Photo provided by Gigi Nutter
BY GIGI NUTTER – My interpretation of “dancing between horse and rider” is much like ballroom dancing.
In dancing there is a leader, whose role is to lead their partner through a series of moves across the floor. The partner or follower completes the moves suggested by the leader. At the beginning stages of practice, there can be many toes stepped on, many lifts that don’t get off the ground, and just rough spots throughout the routine. With practice (“perfect practice”) and understanding, the presentation becomes more fluid. Each dancer gains more respect for the other. It is at this time two entities become one.
In many ways, dancing with my horse can be compared with pair dancing. I must be a good leader, as well as a good dancer (trainer), so that my partner trusts me. We must be totally devoted to each other. Sure, in the beginning there is going to be misunderstandings. As the training process, progresses the leadership turns into a partnership and that is when we can really “dance.” I have had rides that I can just think of the movements and my partner follows me without hesitation or contemplation. I feel that dancing with my horse is the state of complete “harmony.” Through leadership, trust, love and devotion, I dance with my horse as if we are one.
We dance in the sun
You follow me, I am you
Now we become one.