Photo by Linda Landers. Another busy day!
BY LINDA LANDERS – Organizing for the Barn and Horses:
Through the years with different barns, organizing may take a weekly review with employees. If it is just yourself, then that also takes time to review. Organizing well obviously makes your time more valuable and in the long run saves time.
We have tried clip boards for feeding horses with instructions for the people who feed. Most of the time we have had each stall have its own chart. I have found that horses feed and hay must be adjusted almost weekly as time on grass or turnout and exercise can decrease or increase horse’s weight in just a few days. This can happen far more quickly than I have seen in people. Monday’s have been my review horse’s feed day.
We make charts of daily chores and weekly chores and things to be done when there is time. Again, weekly review seems to be the most helpful if not daily. We also chart what is done with the horses daily, turn out, lunging, training, grooming etc.
We clean tack daily which is quicker and more efficient than waiting and having a big project. Wiping off tack each day keeps it much cleaner and does not require as much time and effort as waiting until tack is dirtier.
Charting training can also be a quick reminder of progress or problems to work on. Files on each of the horses hold important papers such as: coggins, veterinarian notes or anything that pertains to that horse alone.
Containers hold different products for our barn: shampoos, medicines, and extra brushes, etc. These are all marked to make them easier to go to.
Horse show equipment can also be in one place and a check list gone over to add the necessary items one must load at the last minute. Lists checked keep frustrations upon arriving at a show without the necessary items at a minimum and again makes the work more uncomplicated.
There are many lists that are excellent to check list or make your own. Thinking ahead takes time and planning that always pays off in a more serene environment that is more positive for your horses and yourself.